Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sewing maching review

Have you gone to the sewing machine store or local Walmart and been completely confused about which machine to get? Well your not alone, as I was going through the process I realized it is very confusing, they all seem the same after a while. After many hours on the computer I have compiled a list of machines I think would be a good buy for someone who is just starting out. Let me starty by saying I am not paid in any way shape or form by the manufacturer or retail stores. This also a review from my research of machines I found on the internet at our local stores and I have not personally used them myself. That being said here is what I found...

For the basic beginner who thinks all they will ever do is an occasional hemline or basic craft project here is a list of machines for you. Good machines for the money. Both companies have been around a very long time and improved their technology as time passed. I'm sure you all remember your mom or grandmother with an old all metal Singer or Brother that was permenantly fixed in a cabinet.

Brother - LX 3125 $79.97 @Walmart
lightweight and compact, 35 stitch function, automatic 4step buttonholer, quick winding bobbin, free arm, built in accessory storage, and instructional video

Brother - XL 2600i $114.00
this machine was recomended by for a beginner machine. They listed the top five machines at all levels.

Singer - Simple 2263 $89.97 Walmart
4 -step buttonholer, needle threader, free arm, lightweight and portable

Singer - Portable 2250 $89.99 Target
another great starter machine, same basic features

...see next post for intermediate machine reviews

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